Monday 27 December 2010

Christmas 2010

We have flu. All five of us. Christmas Dinner was turkey sandwiches as we were too ill to do any more! I didn't get an ipad :( and now in the theme of money saving in 2011 I'm not going to get one. Never mind, no biggie, lets see how much money we can save in 2011.

The plan so far is to cut outgoings as much as possible - the gym membership is out, the satellite tv service will be cut (the broadband is staying, gotta keep the broadband), the food bill will be examined and probably the most painful saving of all is to dramatically cut down on the wine consumption ..... aaaargh!! As a mother of three boys, two of whom have autistic spectrum disorders this is going to be damn tough!

I guess I'm going to have to turn the heating down a tad too! Oh yuk I loathe being cold - lots of jumpers and hot water bottles.

Convenience foods are out (they taste horrible anyway) and cooking from scratch is in. Time to use up my fabric stash and get sewing - I have 10 metres of really lovely cotton flannel that I was going to use for pyjamas for the boys, time to get going on that. 10 metres of fabric takes up a LOT of space so that will also give me the opportunity to declutter.

Unwanted clutter can be ebayed ....

Costa coffee outings are going to have to be severely restricted.

This is going to be really hard, can I do it?

Only time will tell :)